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Attorney Joe Sayler Secures $6.5 Million Verdict Against BNSF

BNSF Railway Verdict

A federal jury in Spokane, Washington, has awarded $6.5 million to former BNSF Railway engineer and conductor Jeremy West, finding that the railroad unlawfully disqualified him from service based on false claims about his medical condition. The case was tried by Attorney Joe Sayler, who was co-counsel on the case, and successfully exposed BNSF’s discriminatory actions and misleading medical assessment.

West, a dedicated railroad worker, was diagnosed with the rare neurological disorder in 2020 but remained medically stable, symptom-free, and fully cleared to work by his treating doctors. Despite this, in September 2021, BNSF’s new medical director, Dr. Theodore Aquino, disqualified West from working in a safety-sensitive position after conducting minimal research and misrepresenting conversations with West’s treating neurologist.

At trial, BNSF’s defense unraveled when the treating neurologist directly refuted Dr. Aquino’s testimony, stating:

“That is a lie.”

The jury swiftly returned a $6.5 million verdict, recognizing the devastating impact of BNSF’s decision on West and his family. While certain damages are subject to statutory caps, additional compensation for lost wages and future earnings will further provide life-changing relief for West, his wife, and their two daughters.

“BNSF effectively fired Jeremy West based on a two-minute phone call and a completely false justification,” said trial attorney Joe Sayler. “This verdict sends a clear message: railroad workers deserve fair treatment, and corporations will be held accountable when they destroy livelihoods.”

West had safely returned to work after his diagnosis, passed all required vision and hearing tests, and had no restrictions from his doctors. BNSF’s decision to disqualify him came without reviewing his full medical records or even speaking with him personally.

Sayler and his team also presented expert medical testimony at trial, confirming that BNSF’s actions were scientifically unjustified and that Dr. Aquino’s conclusions lacked merit. The jury’s decision reflects the egregious nature of BNSF’s conduct and the severe consequences West faced as a result.

Justice for Railroad Workers

Attorney Joe Sayler, a nationally recognized advocate for railroad employees, has successfully fought against corporate misconduct and discrimination in the railroad industry. This case underscores the importance of legal protections for injured and disabled railroad workers and highlights the ongoing battle against the unjust actions of railroads.

If you have questions about a railroad injury claim, Bolt Law Firm can help. Based in Minnesota, we handle railroad cases nationwide. Call (763) 292-2102 or contact us online to speak with a member of our team.