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What is a FELA Claim?

railroad with train crossing

According to the Federal Railroad Administration, in 2021, the United States reported 234 railroad crossing fatalities and 669 crossing injuries. These reports not only constitute pedestrian accidents, but accidents involving workers as well. Typically, when suffering from injuries that occur on the job, employees can file worker's compensation claims. However, when it comes to railroad workers seeking compensation for their injuries, they must file a claim through the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA). This U.S. federal law was created in 1908 to protect and compensate railroad workers who have been injured on the job. If the injured worker can prove the railroad was at least partly legally negligent, they may be eligible for a claim.

FELA Coverage

Since 1939, FELA has provided coverage for almost every railroad employee. This includes electricians, the train crew, repair people, clerical assistance, basic laborers, signal people, carpenters, builders, and more. FELA offers a variety of benefits for those who are injured and file a successful claim. Some of the benefits provided include compensation for:

  • Lost wages
  • Permanent disabilities
  • Work-related medical bills
  • Lost future earnings due to disability
  • Mental anguish damages

Unlike worker's compensation claims, FELA allows injured workers to recover benefits from pain and sufferingwith no limits on the amount of compensation a railroad employee can receive through the claim.

Is an Attorney Required to File a Claim?

Although it is not a hard requirement, working with a skilled railroad injury attorney is helpful before taking any legal action after an accident. Filing a FELA claim successfully can be challenging without the proper knowledge and experience. Attorneys can also investigate the accident and gather any evidence needed that could better support the claim. They can also negotiate with other parties, allowing you the time to rest and recover without having to worry about taking care of the legal aspects of your case. Lawyers also have what it takes to bring a FELA claim to a jury trial if needed, whereas, without a lawyer, you may not be able to see the case through fully.

We Can Help

Here at Bolt Law Firm, we have the expertise you need to win. Our team of skilled attorneys is dedicated to your case and seeing it succeed. We have years of experience working with FELA cases, and know that when you choose to work with us, you can rest assured that your legal matters are in the right hands. Let us be your voice.

Contact us today at (763) 292-2102 or visit us online to schedule your free case review.