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What Dangers Are Associated with Working on a Railroad?

railroad workers on site

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, railroad workers are considered to have one of the most dangerous jobs in the United States. Railroad worksites are often outdated, poorly maintained, or have equipment that is broken or does not work correctly. All railroad workers have the right to safe workplace conditions, so it's important to understand the dangers associated with the job.

Individuals who work on railroad sites are at not only risk of suffering from physical hazards but occupational hazards as well. These include:

  • Trips, Slips, and Falls – It's easy to trip over loose wires at a railroad site, along with failing to see slippery or icy surfaces. Tripping, slipping, or falling on-site can increase the risk of broken bones, lacerations, or head injuries.
  • Working Around High-Voltage Electricity and Moving Trains – These both put railroad workers at a higher risk of being electrocuted or hit by a moving train.
  • Exposure to Toxic Chemicals – Railroad workers are often at a higher risk of developing medical conditions such as lung cancer due to exposure to many different hazardous chemicals.

What Should I Do After Being Injured on a Railword Worksite?

The first thing you should always do after sustaining railroad-related injuries is to seek medical attention. The longer victims wait to get evaluated can worsen conditions or even become fatal. After you are seen by a medical professional, it's in your best interest to contact a skilled attorney. Railroad-related accidents can be severe and often result in catastrophic injuries. Victims are likely to face lifelong challenges and unexpected financial burdens.

If you or someone you know has been injured at a railroad site, It's important to contact an attorney immediately. They will help you better understand the details of your case and what legal options you have moving forward. Here at Bolt Law Firm, we have a team of skilled attorneys who want what's best for you. We understand the challenges you may be facing and are dedicated to helping you get back on your feet. Let us be the help you need.

Contact us today at (763) 292-2102 or visit us online to schedule your free consultation.