Mike McReynolds

Mike McReynolds is a highly experienced trial attorney versed in all aspects of railroad personal injury and wrongful death claims.
A graduate of Michigan State University’s Honors College and University of Michigan Law School, Mike has spent his entire career in railroad litigation, successfully taking dozens of cases to trial throughout the Midwest and Western United States.
In addition to trial work, Mike is an accomplished appellate advocate and has argued cases before various federal and state courts of appeals. Mike argued and won Gallagher v. BNSF, a case in which a trial judge improperly dismissed a railroad employee’s safety appliance act claim for a back injury caused by a defective drawbar. Gallagher v. BNSF R. Co. , 829 N.W.2d 85, 93 (Minn. App. 2013).
The Gallagher decision is important because it reestablished that the railroad had a duty to provide properly working couplers and, if it fails to do so, is responsible for any injuries caused by that failure. The Gallagher case was favorably cited by the Georgia Court of Appeals in Bisnott v. Norfolk S. Ry. 792 S.E.2d 436 (Ga. Ct. App. 2016) which said Gallagher leav[es] for [a] jury [the] question of whether railroad breached its duty of care under FELA by "failing to make available to its employees’ certain assistive devices, and by failing to train its employees in the use of such devices." Gallagher has also been cited in other appellate decisions.
Mike has been a frequent presenter of Continuing Legal Education programs for attorneys, addressing matters ranging from the intricacies of jury trials to the anatomy of complex shoulder injuries.
Mike believes very strongly that “you must go to trial only if you are well prepared.” He recognizes that you must also be able to think on your feet in order to quickly and decisively adjust to changes in the landscape of a trial due, for example, to unexpected changes in witness testimony or in-trial rulings from the judge.
Mike’s approach to litigation can be summed up in this quote from him: “Presenting my clients’ claims to juries is exhilarating. Settlements are often wise and best for my clients because they can provide certainty and security. However, the most substantial settlements are obtained when the defendant railroad knows you are willing and able to successfully take the case to a jury.”
In his spare time, Mike vacuums the fur left by the family cat, Sparky (a Maine Coon). Mike also enjoys reading, particularly history, biography, and current world events. He also plays piano and tenor saxophone.”